Meghan March

 Meghan March 's Books

A very well recieved series by Meghan March are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Fight for Forever, Madam Temptress, Heart of the Devil, [Beneath 01.0] Beneath This Mask, [2016] Bad Judgment, Black Sheep, Deal with the Devil, House of Scarlett, Creole Kingpin, Savage Prince_An Anti-Heroes Collection Novel, White Knight, Beneath This Mask, The Fall of Legend, Dirty Billionaire, Real Good Man, Iron Princess, Beneath These Lies, Real Dirty (Real Dirty #1), Defiant Queen, Ruthless King, Dirty Love (Dirty Girl Duet #2), Sinful Empire (The Anti-Heroes Collection Book 3), Beneath These Chains, Hard Charger, Real Good Man (Real Duet #1), Beneath These Scars, Dirty Girl (Dirty Girl Duet #1), Dirty Together (The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy #3), Real Good Love, Beneath This Ink, Guilty as Sin, Beneath the Truth, Flash Bang, Take Me Back, Richer Than Sin, Rogue Royalty, Savage Prince, Real Sexy: Book 2 of The Real Dirty Duet, Beneath These Shadows, which was published in 2022.